Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas List

Well, I do have a list of things that I want even though I know I'm probably not going to get them all, I mine as well put some of the things on my Christmas list out there. Of course, this is like a journal too, so I may want some of these things for my birthday or just something that I can also buy myself when I have enough money saved.
Ok, so here's my list:

First at the top of the list right now is this jacket that I found. It looks really comfy and its a little stylish. And on top of that, it looks just like the jacket that Bella wears in Twilight. I want it. Here's a picture of the jacket and then a pic of the jacket in the movie (well it's on a poster, but still...).

Here's the website where you could buy the jacket...
And I wear probably a small or medium. LOL

Ok next on the list... well... would be a camera. I love taking pictures, and it just sucks that i don't have a camera now, cause I wanted to be able to take a picture of the snow and the other beautiful stuff that I see out my window everyday. And plus, I'd have better pictures to put on here instead of trying to use my webcam.....

That's pretty much all I want right now. Well, actually I need a gift card to like American Eagle or Abracombie or something cause I need more clothes. Jeans anyway....

Ok, so there's my Christmas List. And I have somewhat more personal Christmas list that I'll try to put up later today or tomorrow. It's not really a sort of Christmas list, but its just one thing that I told myself I would try to do this Christmas.
Ok, well gots to study for my English final. Yes, I'll tell you more about that when I get back. Laters...

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