Sunday, November 15, 2009


Let's see.....
Yesterday I saw the movie 2012, and let me just tell you that it was so good. Granted it was sad....I cried. Of course because like most people, I tried to hold in my tears, cause I hate crying in front of people. Anyways, it was really good, and I suggest that everyone go see it. It is scary though, just because it seems so real because of the scientific data, etc. I love the ending though. I mean, I know that all endings are good, but this was a great ending; well not the very very end, but a little before the end. I am so getting it when it comes on dvd.
Ok, so I am SO EXCITED for New Moon to come on Friday. Just like 4 1/2 more days till it gets here. We're having a midnight showing at the theater on Thursday night, and I so want to go, but... I'm just guessing that we are going to be sold out that night, so I'm not going to even bother. I'll see it on Saturday or something. Plus I'll take a peak every now and then while I'm working. And then the week after New Moon gets here, I think that we're going to get The Blind Side, which I do get, because that movie looks really good, and I want to see it.
Denali, my little sister is learning how to draw her letters/numbers. I was helping her a little bit this morning. She had a hard time doing the letter "x," number "5," and she was actually able to pick up the number "8" faster than I thought. She is really smart, and I seriously think that she's going to be a singer or actress when she grows up with all of her singing and everything.
.....Ok, I'm going to go to bed now. I'm so wiped out. We had a lot of people come to the movie tonight, and my eyes are killing me, not to mention my back from cleaning and moving stuff around. But no worries... It shall heal...LOL.
Niters, and GO SEE THE MOVIE 2012. It's really good...... Hey, do you know what's going to happen in 2012? Cause I mean, I don't think that the world is going to end, but I do think that an event is going to happen that will change the world. Sort of like 9/11, but possibly a little bigger and more worldwide.

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