Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Artist Month

It being exactly as it sounds, I will play one artist for this whole month, whether it be just one artist, or one soundtrack (that is if I'd be able to find one whole soundtrack, or at least most of the songs). This is something new that I want to try out, just changing up the music so that no one has to hear the same music every month. Though you may hear the same song at least every other month. This also gives me a chance to find new artists that I like.
For "One Artist Month" I put Bowling For Soup. I haven't really listened to them that much, but I have been listening to them today, and so I thought, why not? So here they are, and no worries... the playlist is on shuffle so you don't hear the same song everytime you come on this page.
I'm still working out of what I'm going to play next month, but hey, its the beginning of this month so I have lots of time....
(Also, if you are one of those people that doesn't like the fowl language, then I'd advise not listening to some of these songs.)

1 comment:

  1. Belle, OMG! We totally think alike. This used to be my background when I first started blogging and...I just downloaded that exact same header!!! Weird. It's in the DNA sister! Have a nice weekend honey and keep's good for the soul.
